A better way to stay in control

Total control over your team’s schedules and permissions. Manage who is able to edit, make changes, offer shift swaps and approve annual leave requests.

The power of Shift Scheduling

Are you losing control?

So many shift managers have to do everything when it comes to managing the team, schedule, approvals etc.

The impact of control problems on you and your team …

Losing Control

Shifts not done or left unfilled. Manager fighting to stay on top of the problems.

Overworked Manager

Time it takes to admin is impacting ability to do job, leading to loss of productivity, and job satisfaction.

No Autonomy

Team become frustrated due to ineffective schedules, leading to loss of productivity and service delivery.

There is a better way

A live system allows you to stay in control by highlighting issues before they occur. MyShiftManager allows for team autonomy, to maange shift swaps, and annual leave requests, giving you overall approval options and cutting schedule management time in half.

Click on the links below to find out how our technology can help you stay in control of your shift scheduling.

MyShiftPlanner App

Multi-Channel Comms.

Open Shift Offering.

Worker Shift Swapping.

Annual Leave Requests.

Take Control. Reduce Confusion. Make the right decisions from a single source of truth.

MyShiftManager is a powerful tool that enhances your ability to control your team, understand issues, deliver autonomy and self service and improve all-round efficiently. All from a centralised, real-time and flexible platform that enables you to manage schedules, share information, and facilitate direct and group communication.

What’s the best tool for shift scheduling?

Vital Features for Shift Scheduling Online Calendar Spreadsheet Messaging App MyShiftManager
Share rota with team members ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Access control to shared rota ✔️ Limited Limited ✔️
Colour Coded Calendar ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Team Member Management ✔️
Reporting ✔️ ✔️
Open Shift Offering ✔️
Shift Swapping ✔️
Mobile App ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Leave Request Management and Approval ✔️
Rota Building Tools Limited ✔️
Targeted notifications ✔️ ✔️

Book your demo and discover how you can better communicate with your team.