What’s New?
The latest updates for MyShiftManager

8th January, 2025
Version 2.7: Person Details & Timesheets
MyShiftManager has been updated today, please refresh your web browser to see the changes to the system. Update v2.7.0 contains several new features and improvements to the system. Including:-
- New Person Details screen
- Fixes in the Role Management UI and role editor
- Fix in Working Today widget to show the entire shift’s tile
- Sign out button now also on the More tab for easier access
- Duplicating shift templates no longer freezes the app
- Leave entries duplicate correctly in the scheduler
- Leave tab now has the correct “By person/By shift” filters
- Internal fixes and refinements
New layout to “Person Details”
The People Tab has been updated to help with clarity. Go to the People Tab and click on any of your team.
The Person Details are now organised in groups and tabs:-
- Personal
- Account
- Permissions
- MyShiftPlanner
You can make changes by clicking on the pencil icon next to each field. Save changes by clicking on the green tick.
This new update also contains a new option to record and approve timesheets for your team.
This option is TURNED OFF by default. However, if you are interested in trialling this feature, please let us know, we’d love your help in refining this new option for shift managers.
If you have any questions about this update, or need help with any feature, contact us at support@myshiftmanager.online
25th October 2024
Version 2.6: Extra Reports for Specific Clients (SIPS/Hours Multiplier)
This update contains some general improvements to the system. As well as client specific customisations. We’re always happy to work with our clients to get the best fit. If you need to use these features, get in touch to find out how you can make the most out of MyShiftManager.
- New setting to control what is visible in the Team tab in MyShiftPlanner (the entire team’s shifts or just those members assigned to the same team as the logged in user)
- Assign a line manager to each user (only used for notifications at the moment)
- The assigned line manager will receive an email notification of new leave requests
- Simplified onboarding/setup flow (removing the mandatory MyShiftPlanner connect step). New company sign-ups no longer automatically connect the manager to a MySP account. This must be done manually after sign-up (in the short-term)
- Fix for scrolling issues in the reports tab
- In the reports tab, if the browser is reloaded, the current active report stays active
- Fix for UI issues when used on a mobile phone
- SIPS reports
- Hours Multiplier field in a shift type
25th October 2024
Version 2.5: Leave Request Update & New “By Role” Scheduler View
The latest update contains changes to the Leave Requests features to enhance the user experience and provide more clarity for shift managers. A new “By Role” view so that managers can schedule their team by roles, as well as by people. Alongside a number of refinements and improvements to the product.
Changes include:
- Updated Leave Requests. New fields to specify how many hours to take from leave allowances (used in reporting only) – auto calculated from the rota
- Adding sick or special leave to the rota now includes options to auto-unassign or re-assign work shifts if that person is scheduled to work
- Fixes for deleting shifts in the rota
- Sick shifts can’t be assigned to the same person more than once on the same day
- All day shifts (including leave) now default to the Operating Hours (e.g. 12h)
- New “By Role” view in the scheduler
- You can’t add a non-working shift to the Open Shifts row in the scheduler (By Person view)
- You can change a shift’s role (or assign one) after it’s scheduled to someone
Leave Requests Update
When adding a new leave request, there are 2 new fields on the form.
- Hours Taken from Allowance
- Number of Shifts to be covered
The “Hours Taken from Allowance” and “Number of shifts covered” are automatically populated from the rota on the dates being requested. Note that in this case you can’t edit those numbers as they’re automatic.
If leave is being requested for a period beyond the rota that’s been set up, the boxes will be empty and must be filled in by the person requesting leave.
If manually entered, they can be edited by you or the requester in future if you need to before the leave request is approved.
For these manual entries, it will re-evaluate at the time you approve the request. This means that if you’ve set up the rota by the time you’re approving one of these leave entries, the system will use the shift hours (and number of shifts) from the rota RATHER than the manually entered values, as it’s more accurate.
After approval, the system makes the assigned shifts open (as it does today) but captures the work hours from it beforehand to store against the leave on that day.
This means you can click on any leave entry and see the hours that would have been worked (shown as “Hours taken from allowance”)
You can also edit the leave entry and adjust these hours if needed. Any changes automatically update any report totals so a good way to correct anything that isn’t right.
Legacy/Existing Leave Entries
For any leave entries that you already have in your scheduler, we automatically set the “hours taken from allowance” to your Standard Operating Hours (you set this up in the Settings screen of the app under the More tab).
You can edit any of your previous leave entries to correct them if you know what the work hours should have been
- In the Scheduler, by default, the totals shown under each person’s name EXCLUDE leave, sick and non-working items so only show actual worked hours.
- If you need to include non-work hours in the totals here, there’s a new setting in the More > Settings screen to include them.
- In the Reports tab, in the Shift Hours report, the totals on each row INCLUDE leave and sick hours
- In the Reports tab, the Shift Summary report, the row totals include hours for all shift types (so they add up across all columns).
- In the Shifts Summary tab, in the Annual Leave column we now show the days and hours as follows:
- Days are the number of leave days, whether they were working or not (i.e. affect the allowance or not).
- Hours are the total of hours taken from leave allowance based on the new “leave hours taken from allowance” field (or standard operating hours if not set up)
(See how I have 3 x 8h leaves based on the shifts I was scheduled to work before the leave request was approved.
This shows in the summary report as 3d (24h):
New Role View in the scheduler
For those organisations who schedule by roles, there’s a new option to create roles that need filling and schedule your team that way. Roles can be set up in the Settings screen.
Any shifts added to the “Role” for any day automatically are marked for that role.
All Day Shifts

If you have any questions about this update, please get in touch with our team at support@myshiftmanager.online
3rd October 2024
Version 2.4.1: Tutorials & Bulk-Adding Shifts
This update includes some useful changes to the system and general improvements.
These include:
- New onboarding experience for new users
- Tutorials and guides accessible from the Dashboard
- Bulk-add shifts to selected ranges in the Scheduler
Set Up Tutorials
MyShiftManager now has a “Guided Tour” with tutorials for setting up the system. Access these by clicking on the “rosette icon” in the top of the screen.

Bulk-Add Shifts to a Selected Range
This update includes an improved set of “bulk-add” features in the scheduler. These allow you to add a shift to multiple days at once using the range selection.
1. With the shift picker open, you can now add a shift to a range of cells by:
- Right Click on the first cell and select Range Select
- Click on the end cell to highlight a range of days for a person
- Select a shift from the shift picker
- Click into the selected area to add that shift to all those days at once.

2. Without the shift picker open:
- Select a range of cells by right-click and “Range Select” or click a cell, then click the end cell with the Shift key pressed (like Excel)
- In the range selection toolbar at the bottom of the screen is a new button “Add Shift”
- Select a shift from the list and it will add it to all the cells in the selected range

3. From the right-click menu:
- Select a range of cells
- Right-click on any of the cells in the selected range
- Click Add Shift and select a shift
- The selected shift is added to all shifts in that range.

Any questions, get in touch with our team at support@myshiftmanager.online
15th July 2024
Version 2.3.2: Team Sorting Features
A new update of MyShiftManager was released today. We hope you find the update useful and look forward to your feedback.
Sorting of Team Members

Improved Publish Experience
Any questions, get in touch with our team at support@myshiftmanager.online
12th June 2024
Version 2.3.0: Publishing Update
A new update of MyShiftManager was released today containing an update to the shift publishing experience, and a number of bug fixes reported by our ever-vigilant clients.
New Publishing Experience
- When publishing rota changes, you are no longer blocked from using the product while it completes, so you can continue to use the product. You are now informed when the publish completes.
- You will see a new number badge on the Publish button to let you know how many changes are pending.
Other Changes and Fixes
- Split shifts now show the 2nd time correctly in the scheduler
- Paid breaks added to shift types are now correctly applied when these are added to the rota.
- Reports tab now shows all totals to 2 decimal places or less
- All emoji are now shown in colour in the Manager web portal
Any questions, get in touch with our team at support@myshiftmanager.online
9th April 2024
Version 2.2.6: Reports tab Updates
A new update of MyShiftManager was released today. Based on our user feedback, this update improves a number of areas of the product:-
- Feature: if a user has “view scheduler” permission, it shows them a read-only view of the scheduler in their web login (as a separate tab)
- Feature: New report in the Reports tab – “Shift Types” is a larger screen version of the one in the dashboard tab
- Fix: refreshing the browser now remembers which report you were looking at in the Reports tab, and reloads it correctly
- Dashboard By Shift Type widget now shows a row per user rather than per date, to support longer periods (up to 12 months)
Any questions, get in touch with our team at support@myshiftmanager.online
3rd April 2024
Version 2.2.5: Widget update and more
This latest update of MyShiftManager fixes some issues and improves features based on feedback from our users.
- Update: the Assigned By Shift Type widget has been improved. It now shows a row per person (rather than per day) and can show shift counts up to a year ahead.
- Update: team members with View Dashboard permissions can now see the same dashboard tab as managers in their web login.
- Fix: all new team members have View leave permission assigned by default so they can see their own leave.

Any questions, get in touch with our team at suppsupport@myshiftmanager.online
25th March 2024
Version 2.2.4: Updates to Annual Leave Requsts
This latest update of MyShiftManager adds some updates to features, as well as fixes for reported issues.
- New option to Resent Welcome Email for a user in User Details screen.
- New “group open shifts” option in Settings to show open shifts grouped by type or as separate shift entries in the Open Shifts row.
Password changing through Manager now correctly changes their linked MySP account if it has the same user name.
Dashboard “Working today” widget now shows shifts details when clicked.
Team tab in Worker Web login now only shows shifts for the members of the teams the user is part of (to match what MySP shows).
Shift quantity number now shown for open shifts (and in grouped team shifts) for up to 4 weeks.
- New Leave tab now displays all published shifts from the scheduler alongside the leave requests so it’s easier to make decisions on approving leave requests.

Any questions, get in touch with our team at support@myshiftmanager.online
7th November 2023
Version 2.0.0: Feature Improvements
This latest update of MyShiftManager adds a number of features as well as fixes for some issues and bugs.
- Profile image can now be set by the user
- Company logo can be changed by Company Admin user
- New option to highlight weekends
- Sign-up flow improved
- Improved performance and web support (due to technology update)
- Open shifts offer implemented (if granted)
Any questions, get in touch with our team at support@myshiftmanager.online
23rd October 2023
Version 1.0.0+62: Annual Leave & Team Management
Manage Annual Leave Requests
This latest update of MyShiftManager gives you the power to process and manage Workforce Annual Leave.
- Team members can request annual leave from their MyShiftManager log-in and the MyShiftPlanner app.
- Requests are flagged as pending, awaiting review by a manager.
- Managers can approve or reject annual leave requests.
- Full audit trail of leave requests stored in the system
Streamline the process of assessing and granting annual leave with MyShiftManager.

Team Management
The People Tab now offers a new view option. Switch the option to View By Team and you can see your workforce in their teams and add users to teams more speedily. Tap on the cog icon on each team to change update the team.

Team Options in User Profiles
Each of your people’s User Profiles now has a Teams option.
You can assign a user to any team, or even more than one team.
The options allow you to manage teams more effectively and quickly in the app.